Last week I posted my comment to the DSUSD School Board, along with the entire video. I should note here that at the end of the 2020-21 school year I was written up for not wearing a mask and, since I would not tell kids to put masks on, for “encouraging students not to wear masks”. From that, I was directed by my supervisor to not talk to parents, students, or colleagues without first obtaining approval from him. I will continue to bring my discussions to every single DSUSD Board meeting however, exercising my First Amendment right to redress my government for grievances.
So, let’s get to it.
This is the archived fake news article on the event; archived so you do not have to give Gannet News clicks and tracking info. I will not even name the author, I will simply refer to him by what he portrays himself to be, a Propagandist. I have divided this into issues, to point out the propaganda, and Issue Rewrites to provide more balance.
Issue One
The first issue begins with the second sentence of the propaganda piece. Descriptions, as most readers are probably aware, are one of the first signs of bias—remember all of the “mostly peaceful protesters” descriptions over the “summer of love”? Yeah, that is how the fake news described the BLM movement that caused $2 BILLION in damages in just two months. The Propagandist that wrote that article describes the group as “a small group of people”, shall we improve it? Let’s!
Issue One Rewrite
“A dedicated group of parents and voters braved the scorching triple-digit temperatures to do the job the Media, including The Desert Sun, won’t do.”
Issue Two
The second issue starts in the third paragraph, when the propagandist attempts to shame the parent that walked in front of the camera so that concerned citizens watching remotely could be aware there was protestors in the room.
Had she stayed, she would have learned that on the issue of mask-wearing, she and the board were not totally at odds.
Issue Two Rewrite
Had she stayed, she would have learned that the board sent a letter to Sacramento, but really their only function is to do what they are told. They have no power of decision making. Had she stayed, she could have asked them what purpose they served.
Issue Three
The Propagandist then dedicates two paragraphs to the virtue of the school board because they wrote a letter. A letter! Such staunch supporters of freedom and children’s safety chose to write a pleading letter to their betters. The Propagandist leaves out the fact, that the board admitted later that they, as a local Board of Education, actually have no power or authority.
If that is so, what purpose does the DSUSD even serve? Do we need a school board if their only function is to pass on and implement directives? I would posit, that the DSUSD bureaucracy is more than bloated enough to carry out this task without a board.
The propagandist then gives an in-depth review of the mask debate. Just kidding! The propagandist did nothing of the sort. There was another speaker on the topic of masks that the Propagandist completely neglected. Why don’t we fix that part up a bit for him also, using just one of the quotes from that speaker:
Kari Mullis (PCR inventor), Dr. Fauci, the WHO, and a French government study all agree that PCR tests with a cycle threshold over 35 is useless. All PCR tests in the USA have cycle thresholds over 35.
Issue Three Rewrite
One speaker, commented on the unreliability of PCR tests, which of course mask mandates and lockdowns have been based on. The citizen, a teacher of 25 years commented that Kary Mullis, the WHO, and Dr. Fauci all agreed the PCR tests were unreliable over cycle thresholds of 35.
Kary Mullis, who died right before the onset of the “pandemic” received the Nobel prize for his Polymerase Chain Reaction(PCR) invention, did give and interview in which he stated that PCR tests run at over a certain threshold cycle were garbage for diagnostics, that Dr. Fauci was an idiot, and his views on the Scientific community. It appears the commentor was accurate in regards to the opinion of Kary Mullis, but what about Dr. Fauci and the WHO?
Dr. Fauci agrees, though he says the cycle threshold max is 37.
The WHO does not specify a Cycle Threshold count but does warn of false positives and the date was January 20, 2021.
The French Study is very clear, however.
The commentor’s argument is also bolstered by the CDC announcement the next day (July 21, 2021) that the Emergency Use Authorization for PCR tests were being revoked. The same day, the FDA announced the recall of the Innova nasal swab test.
The FDA has identified this as a Class I recall, the most serious type of recall. Use of these devices may cause serious injuries or death.
How many times has the CDC been wrong and forced to correct themselves now? The current CDC Director was even reduced to tears in a Congressional Zoomer due to us being just three weeks away from the most China Virus deaths ever (that was in March). Remember that bit of fear porn that never happened? As we are all keenly aware, the PCR tests were the basis for the number of cases “News Junkies” saw on CNN everyday, and were the basis for lockdowns and masks in the first place.
Issue Four
Pastor Brian Hawkins, who is running for the 36th US Congressional seat, spoke on the Ethnic Studies issue. Perhaps I missed it, but the Propagandist did not even mention the eloquent Pastor Hawkins, which I find rather odd. Shall we fix it? Rhetorical question, of course we shall!
Issue Four Rewrite
One commentor was the Pastor Brian Hawkins, who spoke on the Ethnic Studies issue. Pastor Hawkins is running for the United States Congressional District #36. Two parents ceeded their time to Pastor Hawkins, which allowed him nine minutes in which to eloquently state his case against the implementation of Ethnic Studies.
Pastor Hawkins began by reaching out to the lone proponent in the audience, a young lady that was roundly booed for her comments in favor of Ethnic Studies. Pastor Hawkins told her that he respected her strength and that we, as a society, need to get better at listening to each other.
Pastor Hawkins quoted Admiral Yamamoto’s famous diary entry about how Japan had “awakened a sleeping Giant”, and related that to how parents, when fully awakened as to what Ethnic Studies actually is, will be the sleeping giant for the board. Pastor Hawkins pleaded with the board to allow him to be a “bridge” between them and the community; to listen to him about the rumblings that are occurring.
Pastor Hawkins also quoted both the Ethnic Studies informational from La Quinta High School, and a principal from one of the high schools. The informational “literally said that it [Ethnic Studies] was not Critical Race Theory,” and the principal stated that Ethnic Studies was “not intended” to teach Critical Race Theory.
Pastor Hawkins then discussed Intersectionality, and the main proponent behind that theory, a one Kimberly Crenshaw. The Pastor discussed how it boiled down to how many times one could be a victim versus who was determined to be their oppressor. Pastor Hawkins was emphatic about how we need to learn and understand all history, to not be mad at it, and that parents deserve a say in how it is taught.
Pastor Hawkins concluded with a warning to the board: That a storm of an angry community was brewing, and they were the face of what that storm would rage against. The pastor cautioned the Board to consider their decision carefully, for when the parents truly discovered the truth about Ethnic Studies, they would have no choice but to fall on their swords. The board would not be able to rely on “we were just doing what we were told.”.
Issue Five
The next two sections of the article are meant to calm down us peasants. Everything is okay, these parents are just whack-a-doo. How could anyone be against teaching this? Move along.
The description of the elective Introduction to Ethnic Studies course, available only to high schoolers, says its aim is to "explore topics considering ethnicity, race, culture while creating interest in further exploring the social sciences and preparing students by developing reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. The course promotes health and wellbeing, social-emotional competencies, and exposure to academic texts to better prepare students for college, career, and participation in civic life."
"We're not going to teach Critical Race Theory, we're going to teach ethnic studies. I'm trying to explain it to you," Griffith said as the group scoffed, interrupted, got up and started to walk out.
I warned the board about delving into sources and discerning for themselves. California Department has an Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum—800 some odd pages of it—did the board read any of it? This will be a quick ending and will show that the Board and the Propagandist are either woefully ignorant or blatantly lying.
Issue Five Rewrite
After every board member answered with “no comment” when asked if any would like to reply to the speakers that night, most of the speakers got up and left. When asked why he left, one speaker replied “I am really hard of hearing and the only thing I have heard from the board members all night is ‘mrffle mrrfffle mrrrrfffle’. I am tired and hungry so if they don’t want to reply… I am done listening to mrrfles.”
One board member, Mr Griffith did snark at the group leaving about how they were not teaching Critical Race Theory but rather Ethnic Studies, if they would just listen to him. The California Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum tells another story however.
In the opening discussion of the Guiding Principles and Values of Ethnic Studies that can be found in the California Model Curriculum it states:
Humanization includes the values of love, respect, hope, and solidarity, which are based on celebration of community cultural wealth. [footnote 19]
The footnote gives insight as to where this principle/value was derived from—it comes from a book titled “…A Critical Race Theory Discussion…” Thus, it does appear that the Ethnic Studies course that “is not Critical Race Theory” has its Guiding Principles and Values rooted in Critical Race Theory.
The Model Curriculum also directs teachers and administrators to familiarize themselves with Critical Race Theory.
In Unit 2 of the model curriculum it states quite plainly that the students will be introduced to Critical Race Theory:
And, just a few pages later, we learn that students will indeed learn Critical Race Theory, as well as how to take “direct action.” Direct action for social justice is explained in that last link, but it should be very concerning to the board. Are they ready for a full on BLM style protest in the District Offices?
End Scene
The Propandist deserves no more attention, but it would appear Mr. Griffith owes those parents a public apology, for he was either ignorant or he flat-out lied. Either way, his behavior and gross incompetence extends to the entire Board and they should all resign or face an immeadiate recall. History tells us that an excuse like “we were just doing what Sacramento told us to do” is not an acceptable excuse. You should have taken the Bridge, board.
Great article 🎊🇺🇸🎊
God bless America and heros like you to expose the DARK SIDE
**Update: repaired links and typos.