Desert Sands Unified Proud of “Acceptance” Into Globalist NGO’s Fold
"framework is “helping youths to be ‘woke,’” and that the teaching practices are in “response to social and uneven times in which we live.”
Warning. This story will not end anywhere near where it begins.
Our story begins by simply perusing the website of the Desert Sands Unified School District (dsusd) to ensure that they had no affiliation with a LGBTQ+ nonprofit organization called Trans Formative Schools, or TfS (IRS EIN: 92-1285371), whose focus is “centering Trans joy.” When the digging is done, we will be in Haiti listening to a message from John Legend, so hold on, it’s going to be a wild ride.
Nonprofit organizations, and non-government organizations (NPOs), have tended to be the vehicle of choice for recruitment into the Alphabet Mafia cult over the last decade, so it’s always good to check your local schools whenever you run across a new one. A tweet from Libs of TikTok is where I ran across this one.
There was no evidence on the dsusd website, or in its agendas, that would indicate an affiliation with TfS. But in a funny twist, and not haha funny, there was an announcement that the district had been “accepted” into something known as the League of Innovative Schools. The league is organized by a diversity equity and inclusion (DEI) committed “global nonprofit” known as Digital Promise Global (IRS EIN: 46-5460594). The words “global nonprofit” was more than enough to go digging. After all, President Trump has vowed, in his Agenda 47, to end funding to all schools participating in the Marxist DEI and transgender rot, and he need us to be “shovel ready.”
DSUSD and The League of Innovative Schools
There isn’t much more to say on the dsusd’s participation in “The League,” as a search of dsusd board agendas and minutes did not reveal any items on past agendas. Not even travel expenses to the dsusd’s induction, with 30 other districts from across the Nation, into the league in late September of 2024, in Lindsay, California.
Thus, we do not yet know if involvement in the league will cost the dsusd anything, but Digital Promise Global does report over $4 million dollars in revenue generated from professional services so there may be costs somewhere down the road.
In any case, let this article serve as a warning to the dsusd that they are about to be involved with an organization that could affect their future federal funding.
Grab your shovel, it’s time to dig.
Digital Promise Global
Digital Promise Global (DPG), according to their 2022 IRS filing, has net assets and fund balances of over $46.5 million and total assets of $138,178,500. In 2022, as seen from the screen shot above, Digital Promise Global took in over $3.8 million from the federal government and nearly $66 million from other contributions.
DPG pays very well. The CEO Jean Claude Brizard pulls in $347,399 per year, and all executives pull in three figures as well, as seen below.
DPG gives us all the warning signs we need in their IRS filings. Under the Additional Data section for Part III, in which DPG describes certain expenses and grants that they made to others, we learn about DPG ‘s dedication to DEI. All the keywords are there: Equity, SEL, transition, activism, Latinx, racial trauma, and of course, mental health.
Digital Promise Grants
The grants from the Department of Education, Institute for Education Sciences (DoE IES) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) is something President Trump’s newly formed Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) might want to look into, not to mention the Department of Education.
Department of Education Grants
DPG has received four grants from the Department of Education IES in the years 2021-2024. The grants totaled over $16 million for subjects such as data mining students through NAEP math assessments, a project called “Deeper Discussions,” which includes a World History Project, digital learning platform analysis, and a project called SEER that concerns generative AI in schools.
Of these grants, Deeper Discussions is the most disturbing and should disqualify Digital Promise Global from ever receiving another government grant (OUR tax money) and should freeze the federal funding of any school district using materials from them.
A grant titled “Designing Open-Access Curricular Supports to Deepen Discussions in World History,” was awarded to DPG in 2022, to the tune of $1,999,879 of U.S. citizens’ money. Deeper Discussions was designed from that grant within a greater World History course. Deeper Discussions is described in the grant as an “Intervention” in the course that is “…a suite of discussion protocols, lesson resources, student scaffolds, and teacher guides….”
Allow me to draw your attention to the Framework for Facilitating Historical Discussion…doesn’t really sound so bad, does it? So, what’s the fuss? I’m so glad you asked because this is pretty horrendous.
The Framework for Facilitating Historical Discussion was designed by Gohldy Muhammad in 2020 as a “historically responsive literary framework.” In a 2020 article, Gohldy described her framework as one of “Equity” that should be used by every teacher, in every grade, and in every subject. Gohldy said that our identity is “who we say we are,” and the framework is “Critical…with a capital C” because that denotes power, equity and anti-oppression.
Gohldy went on to explain that her framework is “helping youths to be ‘woke,’” and that the teaching practices are in “response to social and uneven times in which we live.” Gohldy used a lesson on the water quality in Flint, MI (pre-2020) as an example of how students were taught to “agitate” after learning “…how government prioritizes community needs based on socio-economic status and/or race.”
Read the entire article, if you have the intestinal fortitude. While you’re at it, you can check out the World History courses that incorporated that Marxist garbage of a framework. The courses are not much to speak of but do include units on “Climate Change” and “Decarbonization Challenges.” Each chapter of the course consists of an essay, written by a liberal University professor, which is shorter than this article. A basic worksheet and a five-minute video summarizing the essay are also included in each chapter. An example of a chapter would be World War 1—all covered in under 2,000 words.
Would President Trump, and DOGE heads Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy would consider this enough to cut government funding to Digital Promise Global? I would think so.
NSF Grants
No grant given by the NSF could top Deep Discussions, but they did grant DPG a total of $14 million between the years 2020-2024, spread through nine separate grants. There were grants from the NSF that duplicated IES grants, such as for the learning hub, generative AI, and online learning platforms.
DPG’s IRS Form 990 mentioned grants from W.K. Kellog and the McNulty Foundations, but DPG has also received grants from numerous other foundations. DPG’s Funders and Partners webpage gives us a full list.
Anseye Pou Ayiti
The McNulty Foundation awardee page reveals interesting information. The McNulty Foundation awarded the CEO of Digital Promise Global, Jean Claude Brizard, prize money for his project Anseye Pou Ayiti (Teach for Haiti). Brizard is described as the co-founder of Anseye Pou Ayiti along with 2018 Obama Foundation Fellow, Nedgine Paul Deroly, both emigrated from Haiti to the USA as children.
Jean Claude Brizard’s claims to fame is that he was hand picked by Obama pal and Mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emmanual (“never let a crisis go to waste”) to be the CEO of Chicago Public School in 2011. Brizard had a 21-year career as a teacher, administrator, and the Superintendent of Rochester schools before moving to Chicago but was forced to resign the position after just 17 months. To Brizard’s credit, he was no friend of teachers unions. Brizard was rumored to have had a poor evaluation, a Kamla Harris like turnover of his leadership team, and was questioned on his ability to manage such a large organization. Brizard also oversaw a first in 25 years Chicago Teachers Union strike.
Brirzard and Deroly claim that the purpose of Anseye Pou Ayiti is to “decolonize” education in Haiti. Yet, Haiti gained its independence from France in 1804! So, what are Brizard and Deroly decolonizing from?
It’s a good question, because it really doesn’t make much sense, does it?
Brizard and Deroly claim that Haiti is “a colonizer” because they teach their school children in the French language instead of their native Creole. There is no mention of an outside power forcing Haiti, and independent country of over 200 years, to teach in French. Alrighty then.
Luckily, Anseye Pou Ayiti, gives us an example of how they are decolonizing Haiti.
Under “Our Features” of the Anseye Pou Ayiti website is an article titled “Breaking Taboos” in which they write “Anseye Pou Ayiti (APA) has recently organized a series of pedagogical forums on sexual education across four different communities in Haiti. These forums have been groundbreaking in a society where discussions around sexual education are often taboo.”
The article claims the need for the forums were because “Children frequently fall victim to various forms of sexual violence, leading to devastating consequences…” and that there was a “general lack of understanding about sexual health.”
According to the article, the main goal of the sexual education forums was “…to help educational actors and community members find effective, age-appropriate tools to prevent and mitigate negative situations that can affect their future."
If you’re feeling a little lost, you’re not alone. Here is what we have so far: sexual education forums for teachers, school leaders, and parents because children in Haiti are sexually abused.
Would not a more appropriate educational forum be something along the lines of “abuse children and go to prison: how to report sexual abuse”?
So, what gives? The article gives us a clue when it describes the content of the forums being “sexual identity, consent, abuse, and violence, which are often considered taboo in Haitian society.”
Makes one wonder if the focus isn’t really all about gender.
Anseye Pou Ayiti claims that the “…forums on sexual education align with Anseye Pou Ayiti's broader mission of transforming communities through education and leadership.” And, we already know that Brizard, through the DPG adopted equity framework, seeks to produce “woke activist” students.
And we’re back to transforming, which brings back to mind the original tweet that sent me on this dig to Haiti. That up front, in your face, separation of “trans” and “form”. Remember, there are no coincidences and word selection matters.
Before we move on, did I mention that Anseye Pou Ayiti was also featured by the World Economic Forum? True story. They also received a grant for $50,000 from the College Board in 2018, when that entity reacted to a media-created (disinformation) Trump quote. The College Board decided it wanted more students from Africa, Central America, and Haiti, so they partnered with Anseye Pou Ayiti as a Haiti-to-America recruitment highway.
The publicity surrounding the College Board donation even spurred John Legend to get in on the action by recording a video pitch for Anseye Pou Ayiti.
Blue Butterfly
Our time (article space) is getting short but let’s take a quick look at the nonprofit Blue Butterfly, which Anseye Pou Ayiti claims to work closely with.
Blue Butterfly produces educational video content for children in Haiti. The nonprofit is run by two “she/hers” that share the same last name-Charlotte Cole Ed.D. and Suzanne Cole. By pure coincidence, one board member, Yolanda Platon, has extensive experience in and around USAID. A distinction she shares with another board member, Bunny Lester.
Wow, that is quite a bit of “if you know you know” in one paragraph and two pictures. This organization deserves its own dig, but that is all the time we have for them now.
Message to DSUSD, DOGE, and DoE
The Department of Education and the soon-to-be Department of Government Efficiency must take a look at the nonprofits and NGOs mentioned in this article and cut off all funding. Let them survive or die from the handouts of Foundations and other NGOs.
The Desert Sands Unified School District, and other districts, should run, not walk, away from the Marxist-Globalist NGO, Digital Promise Global.
I encourage people to look at IVUnited and let their agenda sink in. Why are progressives so much better than us ‘ normies ’ at activism? Folks we have work to do. Let’s get to it!
I vote for Snell to take the lead educate and activate people who do care whose tax dollars are being frittered away on nonsense and much worse abusing children on every level as they are the innocent held captive by these deranged so called educators and administrators