I encourage people to look at IVUnited and let their agenda sink in. Why are progressives so much better than us ‘ normies ’ at activism? Folks we have work to do. Let’s get to it!

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I vote for Snell to take the lead educate and activate people who do care whose tax dollars are being frittered away on nonsense and much worse abusing children on every level as they are the innocent held captive by these deranged so called educators and administrators

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Another stunningly disturbing yet necessary read penned by someone who should be a sought after lecturer on educational disasters and how to ‘course correct ‘ the LGBT plus blah blah blah malignancy infested the minds of innocent children. I implore Snell to start a business educating those who believe in reading writing and rithmetic are the only purpose and role of educators and how to ‘unite’ and activate for change. You know all the word salads the left uses to say nothing but create underground sociopaths who come out swinging for social justice. Certainly there are millions smarter then these mentally ill activist that need to be challenged by intelligent mentally healthy fold that are clear on the role of educators. Let’s get a group together to frequent school board meetings

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Thank you for the kind words and vote of confidence Dory! Let's talk. It would be much more effective going to school board meetings if they knew we had a foundation and legal assistance behind us. No more yipping like hungry coyotes, time to go in, birddog, and bring issues to the fore...or to the courts. Let's be that STORM!

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